In Portugal, There are about 33.6% of people use credit cards, and 82.9% of people use debit cards. While there are 25.2% of people purchase on the internet, there is only 28% of people with online banking accounts.
% of People With Financial Accounts
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% of People with Credit Cards
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% of People with Debit Cards
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% of People Exchange Through Digital Channels
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% of People Buy Through Online Channels
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% of People with Internet Banking Accounts
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% of People Pay Utility Bill Online
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E-Commerce Sales as a % of Total Retail
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Weekly Use of E-Commerce
Source: Statista Digital Market Outlook
64.4% Citizens Purchase Products & Services Through Online Channels Every Week
31.7% Purchase Groceries Online Every Week
16.8% Purchase Second-hand products Every Week
25.5% Use Price Comparing Website Every Week
31% Use BNLP Every Week
E-Commerce Driving Factors
Source: (Q3, 2021)
For E-Commerce Customers in ChinaWhat are the major driving factors to purchasing online?
% of respondents think is their main drivers
Source: Multi-select survey
Consumer Goods E-Commerce in China
Source: (Q3, 2021)
There is 994.0 million consumer goods e-commerce users in China, and they spend total of around 1.49 trillion USD dollars in 2021. That makes a per capita spending on consumer goods e-commerce of around 1494 USD. Also, in those e-commerce users, about 81.2% of them purchase through their mobile phone.