
Social Media in Germany - 2023 Stats & Platform Trends

Last Updated: October 30, 2023

How is social media in Germany?

Historical Internet Penetration
Unit: % of Total Population
Cellular Subscription %
Unit: per 100 People

Social Media's User Demographics in Germany

Given the latest survey available, in Saudi Arabia there are about 29.6 million active social media users (Log in at least once in a month) in 2022. This is about 82.3 % of the addressable  demographics. Also, Throughout 2021 to 2022, the number of users has grown 5.4 %.

Social Media User Demographics
Note: Meta's figure as reference, 2022

Key Drivers of Using Social Media in Germany

Source: GWI. Users aged 16-64 years old

Key Accounts Followed For Users in Germany

Source: GWI. Users aged 16-64 years old

What Platforms are Users in Germany Typically on?

Most Used Platforms, 2022
Unit: %
Most Liked Platforms | 2022
Unit: %

How's Facebook Doing in Germany?

With the latest data published in January 2023, we can see that at the growth rate of 0.88%, there is now around 23.09 million Facebook users in Saudi Arabia . With male users account for around 66.21% and female users account for around 33.79%.

Facebook Users as a % of Population in Germany
Unit: %
Facebooks Users in Germany
Unit: '000 Thousands
Facebook User Penetration in Germany
Unit: % of Total Population
Facebook User By Age Group in Germany
Note: As legal restriction, figure of 13-17 is often underestimated(underreported) and 18-24 is overestimated|Unit:'000 People
Facebook User Age Penetration in Germany
Note: Number may exceed 100% as multi-accounts holders or fake accounts prevail in the country|Unit: %

How's Instagram in Germany?

With the latest data published in January 2023, we can see that at the growth rate of 0.87%, there is now around 13.61 million Instagram users in Saudi Arabia . With male users account for around 58.34% and female users account for around 41.66%.

Instagram Users as a % of Population in Germany
Unit: %
Instagram Users in Germany
Unit:'000 People
Instagram User Penetration in Germany
Unit: % of Total Population
Instagram User By Age Group in Germany
Note: As legal restriction, figure of 13-17 is often underestimated(underreported) and 18-24 is overestimated|Unit:'000 People
Instagram User Age Penetration in Germany
Note: Number may exceed 100% as multi-accounts holders or fake accounts prevail in the country|Unit: %

How's TikTok in Germany?

With the latest data published in January 2023, we can see that at the growth rate of 0.95%, there is now around 19.3 million TikTok users in Germany . With male users account for around 0.478 and female users account for around 0.522.

TikTok Users as a % of Population in Germany
Unit:'000 People
TikTok User Penetration in Germany
Unit: %

How's LinkedIn in Germany?

With the latest data published in January 2023, we can see that at the growth rate of 1.16x, there is now around 7.12 million LinkedIn users in Saudi Arabia.

LinkedIn Users as a % of Population in Germany
Unit: %
LinkedIn Users in Germany
Unit:'000 People
LinkedIn User By Age Group in Germany
Unit:'000 People
  • Internet & Cellular Subscription:World Bank, ITU
  • Currency Exchange: Based on IMF data in 2023/1
  • Demographics: UN Population Database
  • Social Media Behavior: GWI, Hootsuite 2022 Digital Report
  • Meta, LinkedIn Data: Napoleon Cat Stats
  • Data Calculation &
  • Analysis:OOSGA Analytics
  • Note: The data for monthly platform usage and the data for the most frequently used platforms are sourced from different research, hence there may be discrepancies in the numbers as both are estimated rather than real figure.
Author: CR Team

Our consumer research practice tracks what customers spend and how they make decisions across major economies in the world.

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