“Myanmar with a population of had a total GDP value of US dollars (calculated in current US dollars) for the whole of 2022. The GDP per capita is 1228, and the growth rate in 2022 is 2%.”
18.952 million
743532 km²
300.73 billion
15166 USD
The latest GDP update was in October 2023, updating the data on the contribution of GDP output in various sectors for the year 2022, as a proportion of the total GDP. The data is sourced from the World Bank, IMF, and local government statistics. Predictions on the sources of GDP contribution are from the EIU.
The latest GDP update was in October 2023, updating the data on the contribution of GDP output in various sectors for the year 2022, as a proportion of the total GDP. The data is sourced from the World Bank, IMF, and local government statistics. Predictions on the sources of GDP contribution are from the EIU.
Chile’s real GDP is expected to contract by 1% in 2023, according to projection by the IMF. This is largely due to economic normalization after a 2.4% expansion in 2022, driving by the huge fiscal stimulus and pension withdrawals. High inflation, interest rates, slow labor market recovery, policy uncertainty, and pessimistic business sentiment are also contributing factors. However, a sequential recovery is expected from the second quarter of 2023, with decreasing inflation, growing government spending, reduced policy uncertainty, and increased demand for Chilean exports as China eases COVID-19 restrictions. The Chilean government has introduced a “Let’s Invest in Chile” plan to stimulate private investment in 2023 through tax incentives, easier financing conditions, and greater efficiency in the processing of permits. The risks going forward include global growth slowd...
7.9 %
11.6 %
87.6 %
1.6 人
Top 5 Regions By Population & Their GDP | Note: USD, current prices, current PPP
478780 million USD
208083 million USD
38553 million USD
38384.9 million USD
20419.1 million USD
14658.4 million USD
Top 5 Regions By Population & Their GDP Growth in 2020
-6.68 %
-12.63 %
-8.98 %
-7.15 %
-3.85 %
-6.95 %
Top 5 Regions By Population & Their GDP Per Capita in 2020 (Measured in PPP, current prices) | Unit: USD
24605 USD
25610 USD
17724 USD
18039 USD
14451 USD
Top 5 Regions By Population & Their GDP Per Capita Growth Rate in 2020 | Unit: %
-7.68 %
-13.69 %
-9.55 %
-8.12 %
-4.9 %
-7.55 %